- autocalibration: visual system flexibly adaps; deal with huge info
- simple cells detec bars of light/dark
- won nobel prize for orientation selective receptive field organ
- pinhole camera: doesn't happen when we open blinds; light interferes with itself destroying details
- eyeball filled with saline
- lens in water has reduced refractive index
- swimming; sharpen image: yes, opaque contact lens to eye that has aperture where light pass
- tc eye; scanning input; pinhole sized: not nautilus, bee, patella, paramoecium
- types of lens in human eye: convex and converging
- tubes: fly
- human iris unique id system
- rods are more sensitive than cones in scotopic conditions
- fixate at dim star; not perceive star because we don't perceive blood vessels
- presented a solid dark field to on-center lgn cell (absence of light that covers the entire rf), cell would fire at its spontaneous level
- inherent problem with pinhole: not enough light enters
- photoreceptor has rf that corresponds to single region in real world
- cell firing: neuron summates epsp and ipsp to determind if there is ap
- hermann grid illusion: ganglion cells
- simple cells: sensitive to both orientation and position
- mri anatomy; fmri function
- visual rf is specifin region on retina
- somatosensation: touch
- there are no rods in focea, some cocnes in periphery, and no photoreceptors in blindspot
- don't perceive blood vessels in front of photoreceptors: adaptation
- method measure ap: micro-electrode
- neuron resting potential; cell's pattern of act.: spontaneous activity
- size of rf: large to small: complex cells, simple cells, ganglion cells, photoreceptors
- v1: layout maintains adjacency of retinal points; located in occipital; first stage of visual proc to show orientation selectivity; not true: each eye sends all signals to v1 in oppoisite hemisphere
- oriented rf: v1
- white matter in brain: axons; grey matter: soma(body) of neurons
- lgn in thalamus
- left visual field crosses over; processed in right hemisphere
- tonotopy in audtion analogous to retinotopy in visual proc
- NOT TRUE: lgn cells and simple cells perfer stim in one direction; complex cells and simple cells perffer stim in one direction; endstopped cells and lgn cells perffer stim in one direction; endstopped but not commplex cells prefer stim moving in one direction
- monkey brain: cortical magnification
- the image in right eye projects to visual cortex in both hemis
- red spot, blank white surface: see green spot due to color adaptation
Exam 2
- prosopagnosia: deficit recogn faces
- concave face demo: face convexity assump overrules lighting from above assump
- damge to ffa prosopagnosia
- damage to ppa impair ability to recogn sitting in a classroom
- damage to lateral occipital unable to id pad-lock
- damage to inferotemporal impair recogn parts of objects (basic shapes)
- horopter: set of all 3d points with zero disparity
- stereograms: stereopsis occurs at local image points before shape analysis
- monkey neuron red pepper: lips; located in inferotemporal cortex
- visual system measures the light, infers the intensity, to estimate the reflectance
- kid appear big because depth cues like persepctive ocerrule object knowledge
- accomodation is depth cue based on lens thickness
- cells in v2 that have rf to modal completion
- paper white under med illum; still looks white under bright illum: because visual system discounts illuminant
- dark gray square brighter when falls under shadow because of: NOT BECAUSE OF: lightness multiplication, lightness freq, reflectance constancy, intensity multiplication
- xjunctions: shadows
- heuristics visual makes when interp retinal images: lighting direction: not surface contours, surface texture, object shape
- true: reflections can be wrong shape
- false: refelctions must be right color
- true: refelctions can be of wrong scene
- false: ref can be wrong lightness
- true: ref must appear to follow surface on which they fall
- false: shadows can appear to have volume
- false: people notice shadows in paintings are wrong direction
- false: people notice impossible shadows
- false: shadows must be consistent with lighting in scene
- true: shadows help determine depth
- true: shadows must be darker than surround
- false: shadows can have different texture than surround
- false: combining top half of face with bottom half of another face familiar and easy to id
- true: evidence that faces are processed holistically
- false: perception of scene depth requ focuses attention
- amodal completion happens more often in real scenes than modal completion
- damage to ventral stream: not id object but could mimic actions req to use object
- surfaces: mid level vision
- emmert's law does not demo: distance constancy; lightness cons; object cons; position cons
- convergence: depth cue; angle that eyes are pointing
- t junction: occlusion
- grandmother coding: single cell code individ people
- obejct that owns shared border is in front
- one paper lies on top of another; cue tells you which is above: occlusion
- peephole in ames room: interpret depth: linear perspective
- size: linear perspective
- object hover when missing: shadow
- determine surfaces: gestalt laws of grouping
- objects get fuzzier in more distant: atmospheric persepctive
- ball hovers along ground can float in air by changing: shadows
- strongest cue in Trompe paintings (stim depth in walls or celings) is NOT: height in field, known size, Atmospheric pers, shadows
- CK and paulette: double dissociation between face and object processing
- car a and b have same retinal image; a further; a is much larger than b
- neuron that perfers disparity has rf that are differentially separated from foveas in two eyes
Exam 3
- method to test how fast we can detect objects is visual search
- fmri motion aftereffect in MT
- color and motion afftereffects share this principle: opponent coding
- phantom hand; touch face feel hand because remapping
- attend to more things; perceive less detail
- inaatentional blindness suggests that while driving a cell phone is more dang when in heated debate
- ganglion cells found that code: R+G-; R-G+;B+Y- but not R+G+
- motion perceived before shape analysis: kinematograms
- perferred spped of Reichardt detector depends on delay and distance between rf
- warp speed (flying through space) stim: expansionary optic flow
- appears most blue under illum: none
- black outline is source of illum that causes perception simulating damage to V4/V8
- simulate motion blindness; none of living in a world illum by fluorescent light; adapting to motion for a long time; illum world with sodium light; living in movie theatre
- illum x reflectance hits our eye
- false: trichromacy in ganglion cells
- true: tv work by color addition
- false: visual system makes use of color subtraction
- false: not possible to grow up normally if you lose half brain at 2
- true: most humans have 3 cone photoreceptors
- false: opponent process theory req extra yellow photoreceptor
- false: green and blue are paired in opponent fashion accor to opponent process theory
- false: color aftereffects are evidence for trichromatic color vision
- false: perceived color is best desc by trichrmatic alone
- true: adapting to green, see red
- false: adapting to blue see red
- true: adding various mounts of red, green, blue lights can match any perceived color
- false: color is an invertible code
- false: poinillist painters used color subtraction
- true: two different spectra can appear the same
- false: there are no such things as metamers when you are color blind
- true: children lose sight are better to localize sounds than sighted individ
- true: adults how lose sight are better able to localize sounds than sighted individ
- ganglion cells code opponent colors
- sometimes whatyou hear depends on what you see: McGurk effect
- ventriloquest effect is most prominent when watching tv
- driving; motion on retina corres to world moving around; make a turn, motion changes; change in heading signaled by MST
- true: neglect happens in visual imagery too
- true: don't attend to object, disappear from visibility
- false: cahnge blindness and multiple object tracking both show that we are aware of only one thing at a time
- true: phantom limbs provide evidence for plasiticity
- modern correlate of helmholtz trichromacy is cone photoreceptors
- attention is limited in space and time and number
- mirror box helps patients with phantom pain
- true: complex properties (sideways 2 and baldness) are not available preattentively
- true: attention can move independently of eyes
- false: attention usually moves independently of eyes
- multiple object tracking task reveals pro of attentional capacity
- line bisection and drawing clock face are two tests to measure neglect
- perceiving only one object at a time is ex of balint's syndrome
- v1 responds to component but not pattern motion; MT/MST responds to pattern motion
- motion aftereffect that you see after adapting to contracting pattern (look away and see expansion indicates that low level motion system exists
- areas of brain might blind braille readers use to read with precision: V1
- color blind painter could not imagine color, perceive color
- "what are you sinking about" is exm of understanding lang requires knowledge of context.